Monday 6/23, all the staff arrived here at Vanguard University to be prepped to lead our team. There are so ma

ny details to think of! We're not just learning about handling our team, conflict management, and discipleship but also how to manage the thousands of dollars we have to pay for flights, housing, food, outreaches, etc. There are so many factors that play into us getting to Japan. But with all the planning, my excitement grew as I looked forward to our students arriving. Here's a picture of our staff team planning together all the details of our trip. From left to right: Josh, Wayne, Steph, and me.
The next day, our students arrived in a flurry of baggage, excitement, remaining support checks, and questions. Finally we got to meet our team face to face! The people we have been praying for, talking to on the phone, reading applications for, and yet never really
known in person. It's so exciting to put a name to the face! Here is our spectacular team!!!

Here is our team minus one. Roughly from left to right: Carolyn, Grace Shin, Stephanie, Justin, Anthony, Jon, Wilson, Josh, Lauren, Jessica, me, Erin, Kris, Wayne, Grace Sangalang, Melissa, Steph, and Lyndsey. Kester is missing. He's an international student from Indonesia who will meet us in Japan, so our team is not complete yet.
I can't believe we leave Friday morning! At 5 am, bright and early, we'll be hopping on a bus from here to LAX to get on our flight to Tokyo. I'd update you more, but I'm super exhausted already from this briefing time. But here's some prayer requests:
--Rest for me and the team, so I go into Japan refreshed
--For our team to be authentic and real with each other, to build a deep Christ community
--For safe travels
--For us to love the Japanese with the love of Jesus, and be prayer warriors for this country
Thanks for your prayers and support. I'll be keeping you updated!