I think God has often given me the role of the sower. Sowers get to share their faith and prepare the way, to pray, to sow many seeds on the field of life. The seed falls on all sorts of people, taking root in some places or being snatched away in others. Being a sower is not always a fun job. Sowers end up casting out a lot of seed, and don't always get to see the harvest. They don't get to taste the fruit of their labor, except on rare occasions. To continue sowing without seeing the result requires perseverance, patience, and faith.... things that I am always needing more of!
But every now and then, God reveals something astounding! And it reveals His heart and His glory all the more.
So my story starts with Epic Conference last month... and amazing time in which Asian Americans from all over the west coast gathered to worship God and be sent out as His worshipers in the world. There are so many stories to tell! But one night in particular, the speaker gave an altar call to anyone who wanted to step forward and confess sins that they had never confessed before. It was a powerful and moving time. The Holy Spirit was thick as we worshiped. Many were crying and coming forward with sincerity. People were all around the room praying for one another. As one of the staff, I was in the front waiting for any students who desired to come forward to ask for prayer. One by one, students walked up to the other staff around me and started to talk and pray. Soon, worship was coming to a close and no one had approached me. I was just standing there and praying, and I saw a tall, pretty Asian girl walk towards me.
We sat down to talk. In the dimmed lighting, I could see the tears that were in her eyes. She began to speak very openly. "I've never done something like this before, but for some reason I felt like God was telling me to talk to you in particular." She began to open up about being raped and struggling with depression, an eating disorder, and physical relationships with men. She shared how it was hard for her to believe God's love for her. I listened intently to her story, aware that this was a breakthrough moment for her. When she was finished, I opened up to her about my own history with sexual abuse and rape. I told her it wasn't an accident that she talked to me, out of everyone who was there that night. As sisters, we prayed and my heart just poured out in worship to God! I knew He could heal her, that He loves her so much, and I felt his arms embracing us as we spoke to our loving Savior. I knew that she was His princess, that He had shed His blood and died for her, and that He could give her new light and life!
When we were done, she went back, but I got her contact info later that weekend to keep in touch with her. God has been doing incredible things in her life! We have been emailing, and she found out that I was leading the Epic Japan Summer Project. She applied, and now she might join us for her first mission trip!
I was scrolling through her submitted application, and I realized something incredible! This precious woman had actually accepted Christ for the first time at Epic Conference!!! I had no idea! That night was the first time she had confessed and started really grasping God's lovingkindness and grace, even though she had grown up in church. Praise God that He is able to perform miracles! The miracle of a changed life is worth all the sowing that one can bear.